Strategic sales & marketing planning and development
Far too many companies take a short term or tactical view of their sales and marketing activity. Similarly too many companies fail to integrate their sales and marketing activities with the other departments.
The focus of the work is to help managers consider where the organisation needs to be in 3-5 years’ time and what this means for the sales and marketing operations. We will also look at how we can better coordinate the sales and marketing activity with the rest of the organisation.
Core questions
- What are our sales and marketing strategic objectives?
- What is our strategic plan for achieving the objectives?
- How confident are we that we will achieve the plan?
- What is our competitive positioning?
- Who is our profile customer?
- Why should the profile customer buy from us rather than our competitors?
- What routes to market should we use?
- How should we use third parties – distributors, agents, etc?
White papers
Global Account Management
Understanding the Route to Market